Immunity Drip

Lady sneezing due to poor immune system

Immunity Drip

The immune system is our bodies defence against foreign invaders such as infections and toxins. Immunity is the ability of the immune system to fight against such invaders.

Immunity levels can decrease for a number of reasons such as stress, lack of sleep, inadequate diet, certain medications and chronic conditions that reduce the ability of the immune system to produce the necessary cells that combat the attack from outside on the bodies immunity.



Our Immunity drips are designed to recharge your immune system. The drips will allow your body to be ready to fight any type of assault and reduce your risks of falling seriously ill when exposed to infections.

Common viruses such as the cold are responsible for millions of missed days at work throughout the world. With an immunity boosting drip you can power through without the need to miss valuable time due to illness.

We offer 2 drips for immunity :


Cysteine, Tyrosine and Ornithine are the main amino acids in this drip. Combined with B vitamins and other multivitamins, these provide the immune system with a super charge. Ornithine also helps combat fatigue


We offer different doses of vitamin C which has a range of benefits in addition to boosting the immune system. Essential in the regeneration of skin, hair and nails this vitamin also protects the body from the effects of oxidative stress. This will enhance your immune system and leave you feeling and looking refreshed.

All the treatments take between 35-45 minutes.


IV Vitamin Immunity Drips

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